NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
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The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 4)

Paradoxical interventions are known for being counter intuitive and contradicting conventional wisdom. The approach is known for effectively working with difficult clients and bypassing treatment resistance. Historically, the method was used by master therapists including: Milton Erickson, Salvador Minuchin, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, and others. Due to its seemingly counter-intuitive and nonlinear nature, the method was considered an unexplainable mystery. However this webinar will reveal the logic that directs the process and the 'method behind the madness'. 
The approach is famous for 'prescribing the symptom', 'positive reframing', and 'symptom exaggeration'. It is known for influencing rapid change in the 'hard to treat' client including the  borderline personality, eating disorders, and other repetitive rigid type behaviors. This training will focus on addressing couple and family conflict. The webinar will include videos and case examples. 

Paradoxical Interventions is an alliance-attachment based approach that builds on the work of Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson. However it goes one step further. It also incorporates the unexpected absurdity of 'Bugs Bunny' type humor. It is this absurdity that often destabilizes the client's status-quo assumptions, and allows for him to become open to new experiences and explore new behavior. The approach has been described as: amazing, disarming, humorous, mysterious, and provocative. While those who focus on 'trying to change behavior' may consider it to be complicated, once it is understood that the central focus is on the alliance and attachment, the approach is actually unexpectedly simple. This seminar is ‘a must’ for any clinician who wants to challenge his own assumptions and expectations of therapy.

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 4)

Previously Recorded
$129.99 Member Price:  $99.99 Eliot Yisroel Kaplan, PhD, LCSW

Paradoxical interventions are known for being counter intuitive and contradicting conventional wisdom. The approach is known for effectively working with difficult clients and bypassing treatment resistance. Historically, the method was used by master therapists including: Milton Erickson, Salvador Minuchin, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, and others. Due to its seemingly counter-intuitive and nonlinear nature, the method was considered an unexplainable mystery. However this webinar will reveal the logic that directs the process and the 'method behind the madness'. 
The approach is famous for 'prescribing the symptom', 'positive reframing', and 'symptom exaggeration'. It is known for influencing rapid change in the 'hard to treat' client including the  borderline personality, eating disorders, and other repetitive rigid type behaviors. This training will focus on addressing couple and family conflict. The webinar will include videos and case examples. 

Paradoxical Interventions is an alliance-attachment based approach that builds on the work of Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson. However it goes one step further. It also incorporates the unexpected absurdity of 'Bugs Bunny' type humor. It is this absurdity that often destabilizes the client's status-quo assumptions, and allows for him to become open to new experiences and explore new behavior. The approach has been described as: amazing, disarming, humorous, mysterious, and provocative. While those who focus on 'trying to change behavior' may consider it to be complicated, once it is understood that the central focus is on the alliance and attachment, the approach is actually unexpectedly simple. This seminar is ‘a must’ for any clinician who wants to challenge his own assumptions and expectations of therapy. 

About the Presenter

Dr. Eliot Yisroel Kaplan is the author of 'Paradox Psychology - It's Not What You Think', and is the founder of The Asylum for Paradox Psychology, NYC. Although quite effective, paradoxical interventions have always been considered a mystery. However his book is able to explain the process of how the method works. In addition, he also clearly explains the difference between paradoxical interventions, and it's 'evil twin' - Reverse Psychology. The approach is effective with 'hard to treat' clients (including: Addictions, Borderline, OCD, and PTSD Trauma) as it is able to consistently bypass treatment resistance.

This workshop Offers 1 Continuing Education Credits
This webinar is recorded and will not grant live credits.

The Art of Paradox in Couple and Family Therapy (Session 4)

Previously Recorded

Presenter: Eliot Yisroel Kaplan, PhD, LCSW

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Course Length: 1 Hour

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain difference between paradoxical interventions and reverse psychology
  2. Name 5 paradoxical intervention techiques
  3. Explain the importance of creating win-win double binds
  4. Diagram an orbits-gravity model, and how this relates to understanding change
  5. Explain the importance of the alliance - attachment in facilitating treatment

This workshop Offers 1 Continuing Education Credits
This webinar is recorded and will not grant live credits.

Times New Roman

Paradoxical interventions are known for being counter intuitive and contradicting conventional wisdom. The approach is known for effectively working with difficult clients and bypassing treatment resistance. Historically, the method was used by master therapists including: Milton Erickson, Salvador Minuchin, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, and others. Due to its seemingly counter-intuitive and nonlinear nature, the method was considered an unexplainable mystery. However this webinar will reveal the logic that directs the process and the 'method behind the madness'. 
The approach is famous for 'prescribing the symptom', 'positive reframing', and 'symptom exaggeration'. It is known for influencing rapid change in the 'hard to treat' client including the  borderline personality, eating disorders, and other repetitive rigid type behaviors. This training will focus on addressing couple and family conflict. The webinar will include videos and case examples. 

Paradoxical Interventions is an alliance-attachment based approach that builds on the work of Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson. However it goes one step further. It also incorporates the unexpected absurdity of 'Bugs Bunny' type humor. It is this absurdity that often destabilizes the client's status-quo assumptions, and allows for him to become open to new experiences and explore new behavior. The approach has been described as: amazing, disarming, humorous, mysterious, and provocative. While those who focus on 'trying to change behavior' may consider it to be complicated, once it is understood that the central focus is on the alliance and attachment, the approach is actually unexpectedly simple. This seminar is ‘a must’ for any clinician who wants to challenge his own assumptions and expectations of therapy. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain difference between paradoxical interventions and reverse psychology
  2. Name 5 paradoxical intervention techiques
  3. Explain the importance of creating win-win double binds
  4. Diagram an orbits-gravity model, and how this relates to understanding change
  5. Explain the importance of the alliance - attachment in facilitating treatment

  1. Day 1 – 3hours - Introduction – Paradox Psychology
    • History – Alfred Adler 1920’s / Master therapists 1960’s to 70’s
    • Controversy and Mystery over defining the method.
    • Research
    • Known for Bypassing treatment resistance
    • Counter-Intuitive Interventions
    • (20 minutes)
  2. 2) Video: Adolescent Group in Residential Tx (1 of 3)
    • Followed by Group Discussion
  • (30 minutes)
  • 3) Paradox Fundamentals –
  • Warmth, Empathy, Genuineness, Acceptance, Uncond Postve Regard
  • Avoid Power Struggles, Here and Now, Absurdity / Humor Freezes
  • Logical Mind
  • (20 minutes)


  • 4) Attachment Focused vs Behavior Focused Interventions
  • Nullifying Underlying Agenda
    • Clinician’s Role as an ‘Astronomer’
    • (20 minutes)
    •  Break


    • 5) Video Adolescent Group  (2 of 3) / (3 of 3)
  • Followed by Participant Discussion –
  • (30 minutes)
  • 6) Bypassing Treatment Resistance
  • Five Techniques – Prescribing the Symptom, Reframing, Plan and
  • Predict; Exaggerate the Symptom; Contracting For Success
  • (40 minutes)
  • 7) Win-Win Double Bind for the Lose-Lose Client
  • The Reverse of Reverse Psychology
  • Case – Milton Erickson – Woman seeks therapist
  • (20 minutes)



Day 2 – 3 hours

  • 1) Brief Review of Previous Session
  • How are Paradoxical Interventions Different from other Therapies
  • Participant Questions
  • (15 minutes)
  • 2) Orbits-Gravity Model – The Science of Change
  • Free Will vs Rigid Behavior / Instinct
  • Absurd Humor Breaks Barriers / Plasticity
  • Video – Virginia Satir – Joining the System Changes the Family
  • (45 minutes)
  • 3) Case of Bert – Cognitive Ordeal
  • Case: Kenny and the Cell Phone
  • Case Discussion with Participants
  • Effortless Interventions for Clinician / No Power Struggle
  • (30 minutes)


  • 4) Video: Couples Therapy – Jerry Walks Out
  • Review and Discussion with Participants
  • Paradox in Relation to IFS; EFT; EMDR; CBT, Behavioral
  • (30 minutes)
  • 5) Video: Manipulating Mom Made EZ
  • Review and Discussion
  • Video: Failed Couple Session - and from the Negative we learn the Positive
  • Discussion
  • (30 minutes)
  • 6) High IQ / Low IQ / Young / Old
  • Depression and Suicide
  • Working with Anger and Violence
  • Who Paradox may not work for:
  • Severe Personality Disorders / Autism
  • (20 minutes)
  • 7) Final Remarks and Questions
  • (10 minutes)



This presentation is open to:
  • Social Workers
  • Professional Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
  • Medical Doctors and Other Health Professionals
  • Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services
Course Level: intermediate
Level of Clinician: intermediate
  • New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
  • Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
  • Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
  • Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives

Participants will receive their certificate electronically upon completion of the webinar and course evaluation form.

Disability Access - If you require ADA accommodations, please contact our office 30 days or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification. Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often, and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling. The grievance policy for trainings provided by the NEFESH INTERNATIONAL is available here Satisfactory Completion Participants must have paid the tuition fee, logged in and out each day, attended the entire workshop, and completed an evaluation to receive a certificate (If this is a pre-recorded program, a post-test with a passing grade of 80% to receive a certificate.) Failure to log in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire course. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. Certificates are available after satisfactory course completion by clicking here.
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
  • CE You! is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland.
    CE You! maintains responsibility for this program.

Refund Policy: Full Refund until 48 hours before scheduled date.
48 hours before: full refund less $5.00 processing fee. After event no refund will be given.
*exclusions apply for reasonable need and cause.