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Zealous Cohanim Eruvin 103 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
November 20th, 2020

This Gemara discuses a well known principle of אין שבות במקדש there are no rabbinic restrictions within the Temple.  The basic understanding of why this is true, is because the Cohanim are zealous and thus would be unlikely to make a mistake (רבנו יהונתן ערובין קב א).  In Other words, the priest, especially in the Holy Temple site, do not require extra strength and cease to protect them from inadvertent vi …
Zealots and Instinct Yevamos 100 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 15th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis teaches us that a cohen must have precise knowledge of his lineage in order to serve in the Temple. This applies even if he is sure that he is a cohen. So long as he does not know his exact father, then he is invalid. The derivation comes from the verse: ״וְהָיְתָה לּוֹ וּלְזַרְעוֹ אַחֲרָיו״, בָּעֵינַן זַרְעוֹ מְיוּחָס אַחֲרָיו. “And it shall be to him …
Your Special Mitzvah Kiddushin 39 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
September 21st, 2023

Our Mishna on Amud Beis presents a cryptic concept, highlighting the potential power of just one mitzvah: Anyone who performs one mitzvah has goodness bestowed upon him, his life is lengthened, and he inherits the land, i.e., life in the World-to-Come. And anyone who does not perform one mitzvah does not have goodness bestowed upon him, his life is not lengthened, and he does not inherit the land of the World-to-Come. The Gemara goes on to explai …
Your Money or Your Life Pesachim 25 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 16th, 2020

  As it was taught in a baraita that Rabbi Eliezer says: If it is stated: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,” why is it stated: “And with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5)? And if it is stated: “With all your might,” why is it stated: “With all your soul”? One of these statements appears to be superfluous. תַנְיָא, רַבִּי אֱלִיע …
Your Attitude Counts Bava Metzia 6 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
March 5th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis discusses the procedure of tithing animals.  Animals born from this year's cycle are put in a corral, and one by one, pass through a gate, counted by a staff.  Every tenth sheep is tagged with a red mark and becomes masser (Mishna Bechoros 9:7).  If a counted sheep somehow jumps over the gate and returns back to the non-tithed group, the entire group is now rendered exempt from any further tithing procedures …
You Really Can’t Take it With You Bava Metzia 46 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 14th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis rules that according to Rabbi Yochanan, by Torah law, money effects acquisition. It is only a rabbinic mercantile protection that required an additional physical acquisition beyond payment for material objects, as the seller might be negligent of the merchandise, while it is still in his possession, since it was fully acquired now by the purchaser. Therefore, the rabbis enacted a protective measure that ownership does not …
You Made the Wine, I Just Made the Grapes Bava Metzia 57 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 25th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis rules that the oath and various other obligations of a watchman are not applicable when it is an item that belongs to the Temple treasury. The verse states, “His peer” (Shemos 22:6) , which excludes something belonging to the sacred coffers.    Ohr Hachaim (ibid) offers a metaphysical-legal explanation. There is a well known exemption from obligations of the watchmen or borrower when we consider the o …
You Live and You Learn Bava Metzia 91 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 29th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis further discusses the Biblically mandated allocation given to field laborers to eat from the produce they harvest while they work (Devarim 23:25-26).    וְכוּלָּן לֹא אָמְרוּ אֶלָּא בִּשְׁעַת מְלָאכָה, אֲבָל מִשּׁוּם הָשֵׁב אֲבֵידָה לַבְּעָלִים אָמְרוּ: פּוֹעֲלִין אוֹכְלִין בַּהֲלִיכָתָן מֵאו …
You Eat What You Are Chaggigah 21 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
March 2nd, 2022

    Our Gemara on Amud Beis uses the famous Talmudic term, Chulin Shena’asu Al Taharas Hakodesh, which literally means non-holy produce that is treated with the same stringencies as sacrificial produce. As we saw in Psychology of the Daf Chaggigah 18, the pious chaverim conducted themselves with extra purity and maintained Tahara as if they were cohanim in the Beis HaMikdash, even in ordinary daily life. Of course the practice of …
You Don’t Say Bava Metzia 87 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 24th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph made an observation of the behavioral styles of the righteous versus the wicked, especially in terms of expressing and then following through with their commitments toward others: “The righteous say little and do much, whereas the wicked say much and do not do even a little.”   We can understand the wicked tend to over promise as they want to receive the admiration and appreciation in advance, without put …
You Don’t Say? Bava Kamma 114 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
February 23rd, 2024

Our Gemara quotes Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi, using a distinctive phrase that other Tanaim do not use.  He introduces his opinion with, “Omer Ani”, which roughly translates to “I say” or “In my opinion”, but as we soon shall see, in Hebrew it has a different, more subtle and humble connotation.   Rav Yosef Engel (Beis Haotzar, Ma’areches aleph-vav, klal 33) notes that the meaning is something like &ldq …
You Do Not Own Your Wife Bava Kamma 43 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 15th, 2023

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the payment requirements of someone who hit a woman causing an unborn child to miscarry. The perpetrator must pay the father of the unborn compensation for loss. The Netziv (Shu”t Meishiv Davar 4:35) makes an important observation that has implications for the philosophy of marriage. Netziv says, you might wonder how the Gemara assumed it was obvious that the father was entitled to damages, even if he neve …
You Can Take the Boy Out of Midian But You Can’t Take Midian Out of the Boy Kiddushin 75 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
October 27th, 2023

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses a dispute regarding how long it takes for a convert to be seen by the community as a regular member of the tribe, which has halakhic implications in terms of how many generations would be allowed to marry a mamzer. If the community thought of the convert as purely Jewish, it would be maris ayin (the appearance of sin), as a full member of the tribe may not marry a mamzer. Some say it takes until people no longer …
You Can Take The Bachur Out Of The Yeshiva, But You Can’t Take The Yeshiva Out Of The Bachur Bava Basra 25
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 19th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis offers segulos for wisdom and wealth:
אמר רבי יצחק: הרוצה שיחכים – ידרים, ושיעשיר – יצפין, וסימניך: שלחן בצפון ומנורה בדרום. ורבי יהושע בן לוי אמר: לעולם ידרים, שמתוך שמתחכם מתעשר – שנאמר: ארך ימים בימינה, בשמאלה עשר וכבוד״.
Rabbi Yitzḥak says: One who …
You Can Lead The Horse To Water, But You Cannot Make Him Say Tashlich Bava Kamma 67 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 8th, 2024

Our Gemara discusses the concept that a stolen item can eventually become owned by a thief if it becomes substantially changed (though he still must pay for the object). One of the criteria that establish substantial change is if there is a change in the name and descriptor of the object. This can apply even to arbitrary name changes, such as if an ordinary myrtle branch which is now designated for the mitzvah changes from Asa (Hadassah) to Hosha …
You are WHEN You Eat Eruvin 85 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
November 2nd, 2020

Mishna   הַנּוֹתֵן אֶת עֵרוּבוֹ בְּבֵית שַׁעַר, אַכְסַדְרָה וּמִרְפֶּסֶת, אֵינוֹ עֵרוּב. וְהַדָּר שָׁם, אֵינוֹ אוֹסֵר עָלָיו. בְּבֵית הַתֶּבֶן וּבְבֵית הַבָּקָר וּבְבֵית הָעֵצִים וּבְבֵית הָאוֹצָרוֹת, הֲרֵי זֶה עֵרוּב. וְהַדָּר שָׁם, אוֹסֵר עָלָ …
Yosef’s Rebuke Nazir 55 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
March 19th, 2023

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the situation of a mobile shelter, and if it has the same status as a stationary one, in that it protects one who is inside it from impurity on the outside such as traveling over a corpse. Tosafos (“Ve-Hatanya”) makes a distinction between a mobile shelter that is held up by people such as a litter, versus a waving cloak in the air that incidentally covers a person and a corpse.  The waving cloa …
Yoma Daf 6 Sexual Satisfaction vs. Psychological Security
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 16th, 2021

The Gemara on Amud Aleph questions why the Cohen Godol should be sequestered from his wife seven days before the Yom Kippur service? The Gemara answers that since there is only one Cohen Godol (and one back-up), we worry his wife might show signs of having become niddah right after intercourse. There would then be concern that perhaps she was niddah during intercourse. When such a situation occurs and there was sexual relations, there is an impur …
Yoma 50 Zero Minus Zero Is Still Zero Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 30th, 2021

Tosafos (50a, “Par He’elam) raises an interesting linguistic question.   Why is a sin offering for the regular transgression committed by the congregation referred to as singular, ”Par” “bullock“, but throughout rabbinic literature, the sacrifice for inadvertent idolatry is referred to in the plural as, “Seiri” “ The goats of idolatry”.  Tosafos attempts to answer but rais …
Yoma 68 You Can't be in Two Places at Once Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 17th, 2021

Our Gemara and Mishna on Amud Beis (Yoma 68b) teaches us a lesson about self-determination: One who sees the High Priest reading the Torah does not see the bull and goat that are burned; and one who sees the bull and goat that are burned does not see the High Priest reading the Torah. The Mishna explains: And this is not due to the fact that one is not permitted to see both, but because there was a significant distance between them, and the perfo …
Yoma 5 You Cannot Learn Character on the Job Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 16th, 2021

Our Gemara on amud aleph quotes the verse that describes the inauguration and succession plan of the Cohen Gadol.  Rashi on this verse (Vayikra 16:32) quotes a Sifra that states that the verse indicates that we appoint the Cohen’s son to be his successor so long as he follows in his father’s footsteps. Let us discuss the ethics of succession in Judaism: In secular philosophy, there is no legal or moral right for any leader to app …
Yoma 29 When the Addictive Behavior IS the Addiction Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 9th, 2021

Our Gemara on the top of Amud Aleph states a powerful idea: Thoughts of transgression are worse than transgression itself, הִרְהוּרֵי עֲבֵירָה קָשׁוּ מֵעֲבֵירָה Of course, literally and logically sin in action, is much worse. Is it worse to brood for 10 years about killing someone than actually killing someone? Obviously not. So what did our Sages intend? Let us try to understand this from a psychological perspec …
Yoma 4 What’s in a Name? Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 15th, 2021

Our Gemara tells us that it is proper etiquette to call out to a person before speaking with him or her. We see from the fact that many verses begin with, “G-d called to Moses and said to him“, this implies that before one speaks, one should engage the person, get their attention, and see if they are interested in what you have to say. Maharsha here states that one should call by name explicitly. Mizrachi (VaYikra 1:1) implies the nam …
Yoma 58 Vice Versa, and Verses About Vice Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 7th, 2021

Our Gemara on amud Beis discusses the principle of אין מעבירין על מצות we do not pass over a mitzvah.  This matter has many halackhic implications as how one must behave if he enters into contact with one mitzvah opportunity, despite wanting to stop and do another, even greater mitzvah.  An excellent summary of the halachos can be found in Chayye Odom 68.  However, today I would like to discuss an opposite concept, …
Yoma 45 Unity and Success Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 25th, 2021

Our Gemara references a series of pesukim that describe the two to five fires set aside on the mizbeach. The Shevet HaMusar (24) sees in these verses of joint fires burning steadily, day and night, a symbolic reference to the love, passion and unity that should exist between husband and wife. I will share some select quotes, that speak for themselves: The main principle is that all depends on whether a man and a woman will be in one heart, with a …
Yoma 55 The Thin Red Line Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 4th, 2021

  Our Gemara discusses the sprinkling of the blood in front of the cover of the aron and quotes a verse רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן אָמַר, אָמַר קְרָא: ״וְלִפְנֵי הַכַּפּוֹרֶת יַזֶּה״,  Rabbi Yoḥanan said that the reason is that the verse states: “And he shall sprinkle it with his finger upon the Ark cover, and before the Ark cover he shall sprinkle” (Leviticus 16:14). The Gema …
Yoma 88 The Source of Life Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 7th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph certainly qualifies as one of the more surprising Gemaras in Shas.  Given the intense rhetoric regarding wasting seed in the Gemara, such as Niddah (13a), Kesubos 46a, and Avodah Zara 20b one should see nothing positive in a seminal emission.  Indeed, even this Gemara is ambivalent, noting that one should first worry about surviving the year.  Only after surviving the year, is it possible to see positive po …
Yoma 34 The Road to Nowhere is Paved with Vague Intentions Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 14th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Beis references the famous machlokes of Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon regarding an unintentional act. If one performs an activity whose primary intent is permitted but along with it may come a forbidden act, according to Rabbi Yehuda it is forbidden and according to Rabbi Shimon it is permitted.  Our Gemara discussed the case of a hot iron bar placed in the Mikvah to warm it for the Cohen Godol. The primary intention is si …
Yoma 17 The “Right” Way to Do Things Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 27th, 2021

Our Gemara again discusses the preference of right over left. On Daf 15 we investigated this concept metaphysically. I just wanted to add some more thoughts on this matter:   What happens when we want to know what the weather is? Do we look out the window, or do we look at an app on our phone? What about if you want to know what time sunset is in order to pray? Do we look out the window or do we look at the Myzmanim app our phone? The point …
Yoma 27 The Gift of Service Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 7th, 2021

  Our Gemara cites a verse in Bamidbar (18:7): וְאַתָּ֣ה וּבָנֶ֣יךָ אִ֠תְּךָ תִּשְׁמְר֨וּ אֶת־כְּהֻנַּתְכֶ֜ם לְכָל־דְּבַ֧ר הַמִּזְבֵּ֛חַ וּלְמִבֵּ֥ית לַפָּרֹ֖כֶת וַעֲבַדְתֶּ֑ם עֲבֹדַ֣ת מַתָּנָ֗ה אֶתֵּן֙ אֶת־כְּהֻנַּתְכֶ֔ם וְהַזָּ֥ר הַקָּרֵ֖ב יוּמָֽת׃ (ס) &n …
Yoma 3 The Bedroom and the Holy of Holies Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 14th, 2021

The Gemara at the end of amud beis discusses the preparation required in order to enter in the Holy of Holies. The principal requirement is six days of separation, however ultimately it is mandated at seven days.  I heard a lovely idea from Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz ZT”L. The seven days of preparation that the Cohen engages in to prepare for entry into the Holy of Holies is paralleled by the seven days of preparation that a couple hav …
Yoma 38 Suicide and Halakhic Forgeries Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 18th, 2021

Our Gemara tells us the story of Nicanor and the gates that he brought from Alexandria in honor of the Bais HaMikdash: For Nicanor, miracles were performed to his doors. The Sages taught in the Tosefta: What miracles occurred for his doors? They said: When Nicanor went to bring copper doors for the eastern gate of the Temple from Alexandria in Egypt, famous for its craftsmanship, on his return voyage by ship, a storm arose in the sea and threaten …
Yoma 77 Stick Up for your Spouse and Family Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 25th, 2021

The Gemara on Amud Aleph relates a story about how the Angel Gabriel was unique in his advocating on behalf of the Jewish people. Because of this, Gabriel was restored to a former position of honor. Mesilas Yeshanim (19) speaks about this:  ⁦Our sages of blessed memory already expounded on the verse: "I have come because of your words" (Daniel 10:12) - "that Gavriel was not allowed to re-enter behind the heavenly curtain until he had plead …
Yoma 65 Spirituality Must Align With Reality Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 14th, 2021

The Gemara on Amud Beis relates a machlokes about the year long window that is allowed for the seller to buy back his home in a walled city. Is the year a solar year, that is 365 plus days that it takes for the Sun to be in the exact same position? Or is it a Jewish Lunar year, that is, the same day and month the following year, leap month included? In truth, the Jewish calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar inputs; specifically, t …
Yoma 10 Some Things We Will Never Know Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 21st, 2021

The Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us that the Persians who rebuilt the Temple would eventually suffer a demise.  They question why it should be fair, that those who did the good deed of rebuilding the Temple should suffer a destruction.  The Gemara Offers two answers:  Such is the decree from G-d, seeming to say that some things in the world are a mystery and we cannot question them.  Or indeed, the Persians also destroyed synag …
Yoma 49 So Long, And Thanks For All The Mitzvos Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 28th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph records an interesting statement from Rabbi Chanina: אָמַר רַבִּי חֲנִינָא: בֹּא וּרְאֵה שְׁאֵלַת הָרִאשׁוֹנִים. Rabbi Ḥanina said to his students in excitement: Come and see that Sages from a later generation were able to ask a difficult question on par with the question of the earlier generations. Even I, Rabbi Ḥanina, asked this same question, which was posed by my …
Yoma 33 Shell-Shocked by Sin Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 13th, 2021

Our Gemara mentions the halakhic principle of We Do Not Pass Over a Mitzvah אין מעביריו על המצוות. That is, once we are engaged in one mitzvah or even get in touch with the process, we are not allowed to pass it over and go to another mitzvah. There is a Beautiful chassidish peshat in this articulated by the Tiferes Shlomo (See Shemini, and Vaeschanan, Shabbos Shuva). The word “to pass over“ in Hebrew מעביר Bear …
Yoma 18 She Is Not Your Object Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
April 28th, 2021

Our Gemara records a seemingly bizarre practice of Rav and Rav Nachman:  When they would travel to a foreign city without their wives, they would seek a temporary wife, so as to save them from temptation. Needless to say, this Gemara runs against modern sensibilities.  But not just for the moderns, Ben Yeyohada also cannot accept this Gemara literally as stated. He finds it repugnant that anyone, let alone rabbis, could behave in such a …
Yoma 35 Sexual Harassment and Irresistible Urges Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
May 14th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Beis uses the story of Yosef’s resisting the seduction by Potiphar’s wife as a role model and proof for moral  behavior: ⁦They said about Joseph the righteous: Each and every day, the wife of Potiphar seduced him with words. In addition, the clothes that she wore to entice him in the morning, she did not wear to entice him in the evening. The clothes that she wore to entice him in the evening, she did not wea …
Yoma 54 Sex, Savages and Cellphones Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 3rd, 2021

The Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us a fascinating practice from the Temple era: ⁦How is this so? The staves of the Aron protruded and stuck out against the curtain toward the outside, and appeared like the two breasts of a woman pushing against her clothes. As it is stated: “My beloved is to me like a bundle of myrrh, that lies between my breasts” (Song of Songs 1:13). For this reason the Ark of the Covenant, where the Divine Presence …
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