How much exaggeration is normal when describing a Shidduch? How much should the person himself or herself disclose about flaws? How much should others? We will discuss these matters from a halakhic and psychological perspective over the next two dappim.

Our Gemara states that if a man married a woman who was previously married and maintained she was a virgin, even if it turns out that she wasn’t, the husband has no claim that the marriage was under false pretenses and should be dissolved. Tosafos on Amud Aleph explains the ruling as follows. The second husband does not really believe that a previously married woman could be a virgin, so even if witnesses testify to that fact, he takes it with a grain of salt. Why? He figures they were exaggerating in order to raise her esteem in the eyes of her suitor.

This is a pragmatic and interesting idea. Even if such falsehood might not be permitted, there is a de facto recognition that people exaggerate when it comes to providing information regarding Shidduchim.

Sefer Chassidim (507) states one must not hide information in Shidduchim about family members, when the flaws are serious enough that the person would not want to marry if he or she knew about it.

The Chofetz Chaim’s Shmiras Halashon provides guidelines for which information in Shidduchim to reveal (9 Rechilus and ציורים afterwards).  I will select a few key points: 

Aside from the above, the Chofetz Chaim also lists several conditions that must be met in order to reveal information, even if it meets the other criteria above:

However, other poskim (for example, Rav Menashe Klein Mishne Halachos 12:278) hold that if a person asks you explicitly about a particular feature or trait, even if it is not something that others would mind, you must answer honestly.  You do not have to volunteer such information, but indeed when asked directly, Rav Klein says it is even forbidden to hedge and say, “I don’t know.”  Rav Klein says, this is a lie, because, in fact, you DO know.

The halachos of what to reveal in Shidduchim is sensitive and complex, and the information in this article should not be taken as the final halakhic word.  Rather it should be talking points to sensitize you to know what to ask of your personal posek.

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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