Our Gemara discussed various leniencies that can be enacted in order to maintain a feeling of joy on Yom Tov, such as making sure certain foods are available.  This got me wondering about people who find it challenging to enjoy Yom Tov.

The Shalah (Aseret HaDibrot Shabbos Ner Mitzva) quotes a Kol Bo that discusses a state of being called “Yiush Simchas Yom Tov”, giving up on the the joy of Yom Tov.  There are people who experience trauma and strife during Yom Tov, instead of Joy. This usually comes from one of three reasons:


Obviously, none of these concerns have a quick fix. However, Simchas Yom Tov is a value in our sacred tradition. It is good for the heart and it is good for the soul to experience joyous spirituality and family time. Perhaps certain situations can be moderated if anticipated in advance and agreed-upon to some kind of compromise. A teenager could be told that if a certain situation becomes emotionally overwhelming and frustrating, that he or she can ask for a break and take a  “get out of jail free card“. A spouse that has to contend with an overly rigid, overly scrupulous spouse might be able to ask for certain things to be agreed-upon in advance, that they are simply accepted without further discussion or involvement. What constitutes enough rain that we leave the Succah or what kinds of chumros will be adopted this year versus relaxed, for the sake of having an overall functional family experience. Of course some people are very difficult to work with, yet most people can be worked with a little better and a little easier when discussed in advance.


Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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