The Gemara relates that Rav Ashi’s wife was once sifting flour onto a table on Yom Tov, rather than into a bowl in the usual manner. Rav Ashi said: This one of ours, my wife, is the daughter of Rami bar Ḥama, and Rami bar Ḥama is a master of good deeds who is meticulous in his performance of mitzvos. Had my wife not observed this practice in her father’s house, she would not have acted in this manner. Therefore, one can learn the halakha in practice from her actions.

This is an obvious lesson to respect what your wife learned in her home. So, you might say, Rav Ashi’s wife’s father was the great Rami bar Chama, but my in-laws aren’t anything special. Let me offer a reality check. Indeed, your father in-law may not be Rami bar Chama, but you ain’t no Rav Ashi!

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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